The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This morning, sitting in our kitchen at the condo we rented in Gulf Shores, Al, I was privileged to watch the sun rise. What a beautiful sight as the first blush of rose tinged the sky followed by an edge of brilliance just peeking out of the Gulf of Mexico. As the sun climbed higher out of the water it looked liked it was melting into the water. Just as it was almost out of the water the sun resembled a hot air balloon rising into the sky, a sphere on the top but wide at the bottom. The sun then became almost too bright to look at directly but my eyes couldn't turn away. I watched it break the surface of the water with the color of rose beneath reflecting off the water, the blue sky above and below the sun and thought of the heavens declaring the majesty of our creator. The blush of rose became the brilliance of gold then my eyes must turn away. Is this how we will see God? His brightness, His whiteness, His Glory, Will we be able to see HIM with our new eyes as we see Him face to face?
We were joined by my brother-in-law, Fede Davidovics for breakfast and were thankful when he shared some of his Romania life in our devotions.
All is well at home and I am truly enjoying this wonderful vacation. Last night a good group of our family and friends came over for the 'big game' which was a bust with Michigan losing. We had such a good time, who really cares about basketball.
Tonight Kurt, Mary and Lydia Bennitt are coming for dinner along with Fede and Ruth's family.

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