The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, April 27, 2009


Dr. Hoerr came out and sonagramed Chiquita and she is in foal. Yeah!!! we can send her back to her owner. The other good news is that the Andalusian mare is finally out of season so I can start counting the days until her sonagram. Tyler Joos, our farrier also came out at the same time and got Lily, Sangria, Salena, Dakota, Myrrhcedes, Sunny, and Bunni trimmed and put shoes on Mika.
Lady is just coming in season and will be bred this week. She had 2 follicles each about 40 cm and some edema so we know she is close. It helps so much to have Dr. Hoerr sonagram and tell us where each mare is in her cycle.
On a sad note, Grace had to be put down. She was a wonderful mare for us and we will remember our good times with her. She was the horse that taught us combined training. She was so fun to jump and wow did she ever have the speed. One time Karin was riding her in the Spring Pony Club show, she and Grace went flying by and Cathie Trent said, "that's it, Grace has lost her mind and so has Karin." They ended up taking second place in that show. She got penalty points for going too fast. Grace's last filly by Raven, we named Jewell, we will want to keep. We need something to remember her by.

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